Saturday, July 3

Patriotic Plane (Review Week)

Opening Song (backup):
Welcome Song: Hello Song
Wiggle Song (Jr. Primary): Pocorn Popping
Singing Time:
America The Beautiful (Hymns, 338)
My Country 'Tis of Thee (Hymns, 339)
The Star Spangled Banner (Hymns, 340)
Follow the Prophet (Children's Songbook 110)
The Holy Ghost (Children's Songbook, 105)

Since this is a holiday weekend, I thought we could switch it up and do a Review Week this week and hold off teaching this month's song until next week. I found a really cute idea online that I am going to use. I will have a flag up on the chalkboard. I will have a child throw a paper airplane at the board, trying to hit one of the stripes. Whatever stripe they hit will determine the song we sing. They will also choose a star that will have a way to sing the song.

Ways to Sing:

Hand on Heart
Boys/Girls alternate phrases
With pride/loudly
Drum the beat on knees
eyes closed
Statue of Liberty pose

** Idea from the Ordinary Adventures of a Primary Chorister.

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