Sunday, July 11

Thinking and Doing (Intro Week)

Opening Song (backup): The Church of Jesus Christ (C.S. #77)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (C.S. #261)
Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (C.S. #285)
Wiggle Song (Jr. Primary): Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (C.S. #275)
Singing Time: Come, Follow Me (Hymns #116)

We are going to learn the first verse to "Come Follow Me" today. I will use picture prompts and stories about Christ to teach the song. Once I feel like the kids have the song down, we will do an activity together.

I will have 1 child come up and pick a word out of a bowl. I will then ask them to stand in front of some playdough, close their eyes, and imagine the playdough forming into the object on the piece of paper. I will ask them to open their eyes and will ask if the playdough turned into the object they imagined. When they say no, I will explain that just like the playdough, we can think about how we want to serve others like Christ did, but nothing will happen unless we actually do it!

Next, I will explain to everyone that we are going to sing through the song. The child at the front will have the duration of the song to form the playdough into the object written on their piece of paper. At the end of the song, I will ask the child to explain what it was that they made and how they can use it to follow Jesus Christ.

** Idea from the Ordinary Adventures of a Primary Chorister.

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