Saturday, August 21

Pin the Bow (Repeat Week)

Opening Song (backup):
Welcome Song: Hello Song (C.S. #260)
Wiggle Song (Jr. Primary):
Singing Time: I Think When I Read That Sweet Story (C.S. #56)

This week we will be reviewing "I Think When I Read That Sweet Story." I will review the song with the kids a few times until they are comfortable with the lyrics.

For our activity this week, I will have 6 colorful squares arranged in rows on the chalkboard. I will show everyone a bow and explain that we are going to play "Pin the Bow on the Gift." At the beginning of each round, I will invite a teacher to come up and will ask them to cover their eyes with a blindfold. I will then point to the gift that we want the teacher to pin the bow on. The kids will use their beautiful singing voices to help guide the teacher to the correct gift. The closer the teacher gets to the correct gift, the softer the kids will sing.

I will close by bearing my testimony of Jesus Christ and the wonderful gifts that He has given us. =)

** Idea from Divine Secrets of a Primary Chorister, adapted by yours truly!

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