Friday, November 26

Serving Your Family

Opening Song (backup):
Welcome Song:
Wiggle Song (Jr. Primary):
Singing Time: The Family is of God and Love One Another (C.S. # )

Since this month we are focusing on service, I thought we could finish out the month with a singing time lesson that focuses just on that. I will have the 4th verse of "The Family is of God" written out with fill-in-the-blank spaces. I will have the kids fill in the blank and then we will sing through the song together. Afterwards, I will express how grateful I feel when my family works together and serves one another.

I'll Love and ______ my Family, and be
A Good ______ to each Family member
And when I am a Mom or ______, so glad
I'll help my family ________....

* Word choices would be: Serve, Example, Dad, Remember, Smile, Dance, Fish, Jumprope.

The 2nd half of singing time will be spent learning the sign language to "Love One Another." I will explain that serving is using your hands to help one another. The kids can show love to their family and to others through service.

** Idea from the Crazy Chorister.

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