Saturday, February 13

Sing Your Heart Out (Repeat Week)

Opening Song (backup): I'm Trying to Be like Jesus (C.S. #78)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (C.S. #261)
Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (C.S. #285)
Wiggle Song (Jr. Primary): Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (C.S. #60)
Singing Time: He Sent His Son (C.S. #34)

Sing Your Heart Out

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we are going to play a game called "Sing Your Heart Out." There will be broken hearts all over the chalk board. The left sides of broken hearts will have the first part of a line in the song, and the right sides of broken hearts will have the second part of a line in the song.

A child will be chosen to come up and choose a half-heart from the board. Another child will then come up and see if they can find the match. If it is a match, the first child will shake a container filled with hearts that have different ways to sing the song, and the second child (without looking) will get to choose a heart out of the container. We will sing that line of the song as instructed on the back of the chosen heart.

We will continue doing this until all pieces of the song have been put together. Then we will try to sing the whole song together, singing each of the lines differently. This should help the kids repeat the song enough times to really get the words down this week!


This did not go very well. The kids had a harder time piecing together the hearts than I expected. It took so long to piece everything together that we didn't have a lot of time left over for singing. I felt as though the kids got really restless with this one. I don't know if it was because they were hyped up on sugar or if it was the lesson, but either way, I would not recommend this one in the future unless it was tweaked.

** Idea from Primary Singing Time Ideas.

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